Friday, April 06, 2007

on blogging

For those interested in facts more than in my opinions or whereabouts some trivia:
In March 2005 there were about 8 millions weblogs. In March 2007 there were about 72 million. This means one in every 83,3 people thinks his or her life is so interesting, that it is worth sharing it with the rest of the connected world. It is almost embarrassing to admit that I am one of those. However, there is a reason why not every one in 83 diaries (because that is what blogs basically are) is published- because our lives are not that interesting..... Makes me doubt my whole blogging adventure....

Anyway, the birthrate of weblogs is slowing down. So no worries, people are getting modest again. Except for me and 57,999 others, who according to the ANP at this specific moment are creating content for their blog- some content maybe even more boring than my uninspired input of today.......


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