Sunday, October 28, 2007

I write it best...

...when I write nothing at all.

Had some complaints about the fact that I do not post blogs that often anymore. It has a reason: there is hardly a thing to write about. My dad says there is a story in everything. Well, I have been surfing the web a lot lately (as a student you have a lot of spare time, although I just bumped into a girl in the library who asked whether I studied ad the Adh. When I confirmed this she said she figured, since she saw me so often in the library- she did this school last year and as a result she had no social life, she said. Mmmm, I have no social life either, and that is why I go to the library. Not in the first place to study. But I did not tell her that) and a lot of people seem to agree with him: the amount of blogs about nothing is impressive.

Let me not be one who adds anything to this bush of worldwideweb BS. So I will keep writing, but only when I have something which is worth writing about. Anyone who has any suggestions, please feel free to mention them to me.


Blogger floris said...

And that's how I stopped blogging. So, back to the occasional mass email then?

6:40 PM  

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