Saturday, September 22, 2007

Working man's burden

The beauty of studying is that you will never have to wear a suit, nor a tie. If something is meant by 'working man's burden', than that must be it- pin stripes and a tie.

However within a week after arrival, I was proven wrong: I did need a suit to wear. And I did not bring it.
The UCIHL, my 'school', was renamed last week, and has become a new institute, the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.

The Swiss take their education very seriously. Very seriously. The opening was therefore grand. Champagne, foie gras and the mayor of Geneva, the former head of the International Committee of the Red Cross, several other dignitaries and the President of Switzerland attended and held speeches. So far for not wearing a suit, nor tie.

Student days have changed, I feel old. All my other student colleagues had a tie, and a suit. Thank god one of them brought an extra suit. I could borrow it.

From now on I shave, I wear clean clothes to class and I even start doing my homework. Student life here is like working life, and I will adapt to it. Without any problem, I guess. It is not so different from my life the last 5 years. however, it is far, very far removed from my study days in Groningen.....


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