Thursday, October 16, 2008

Holiday at home

Since I will only start working on November 1st, I have some time on my hands. My thesis done, no work except for an book review to write and lots of time on my hands, I have the opportunity to go on a holiday in what was once home, and is now home again: Amsterdam.

Amsterdam is not a metropolis like NYC, Singapore, Paris or London, but it has a big city feel enough, and it is generally a cool city. A nice place to call home. It has some of the best muesums in the world (provided that you like paintings and Dutch Masters, both modern and old). Someone gave me a museum jaarkaart,an all access card for 440 museums in the Netherlands. So I decided to go the museums you went to with your parents as a kid, but never went afterwards en which are really worth vistiting: het Rijksmuseum, het Stedelijk Museum, which is a museum for modern art, het Scheepvaart Museum, a shipping Museum. Those are some of the main attractions of Amsterdam. But believe it or not, they are all being renoveated at the same time. And renovations of museums take time. I am not talking about weeks or months, i am talking about years. So the main attractions of the city are not or only partially acessible. Unbelievable.

However, please do not let that stop any visitor/reader from coming to visit. In times of crises the governement is urging everyone to spend. So just come to Holland and buy the art you want to see; Christies is still selling like there is no tomorrow. And art is a great investment. Better than investing in our banks...


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